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 consultancy for the ceo


Chief Executives have a pivotal role that can also bring a sense of isolation and a need for innovative ideas and explorative questions

that are free from vested interests.

Montreux Global brings a range of opportunities and services

that help CEO's develop and maintain a balanced focus and 

display optimal leadership within and beyond the organization.

These include:

  • Tailored input on geopolitical and macro contexts

  • Influencing the Board and the Senior Executives

  • Shaping the Structure, Strategy and Culture of the organization

  • Meeting with CEO's from other organizations in a virtual peer group

CEO services can be provided online or in person.

"The CEO as Chief Geopolitical Officer"

For more on why CEO's need geopolitical knowledge and understanding, click on the icon to see this KPMG article.

Copyright Montreux Global 2023

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